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Why is balancing my pool so important?

If your pool water is not balanced properly, it can lead to skin and eye irritation as well as an unsanitary swimming environment. It can also cause damage to equipment and to the surface of the pool.

My pool has a white substance floating in the pool. What is it?

Water mold is a whitish, mucous-like substance that looks like shredded tissue paper when floating in the water. It is not harmful to humans, but it is unattractive and can be taxing on equipment. It depletes oxidizer levels, which can cause other undesirable conditions.

If I have water mold, what should I do?

Brush the bottom and sides of the pool or spa. If you use chlorine, bromine or an ionizer as your normal sanitizer, add a maintenance dose of Poolife Defend + (algae and fungal growths usually indicate inconsistent algacide applications). Next, shock with three times the normal dose of Turbo Shock . Allow the filter to circulate overnight. Repeat as necessary. After the treatment is complete and the water has cleared, chemically clean your filter.

I keep adding chlorine, but when I test my water, there's no chlorine reading. Why?

Make sure that you are not confusing shock with stabilizing chlorine. Shock is not the same thing as a stabilizing chlorine. Shock is designed to provide an extremely high level chlorine and then disappear within 24 hours. If you are not getting a stabilizing chlorine reading (even though tablets are present) it is because your chlorine is tied-up. It is combined with amine groups causing your chlorine to be inactive. This is commonly called chlorine demand. We recommend that you shock or super chlorinate your pool. Shocking your pool will free the chlorine. Double and triple levels of super-chlorination may be depleted within hours of application. Often the pool water will be sparkling and attractive while this problem is taking place. In some cases, the chlorine stabilizer disappears and cannot be measured. Continue reading about chlorine demand.

What causes chlorine demand?

There are many causes for chlorine demand. In most cases there isn't a singular cause but a combination of things that cause this condition: algae, fertilizer contamination, rain, pollution, excessive cover debris rinsed or dumped in pool, source water, (city water, ponds, lakes, well water, vandalism, etc.)

This is the second year I have had chlorine demand, what do I do?

We recommend that if you have had a continuous problem with chlorine demands that you shock your pool weekly.

What level should I maintain my chlorine?

Swim safe water has a free available chlorine residual between 1ppm - 3ppm. Don't forget that we will test your water for free.

How often should I shock my pool?

You need to shock your pool at least every 2 weeks . This demand may go up to every week in extremely hot temperatures.

How long should I wait to go into a pool that is sanitized with chlorine after I shock?

Wait until the chlorine level drops below 3 ppm. The best time to shock is at night. Usually, if you shock at night after you're done using the pool for the day, the water will be safe and ready to go by morning.

What is pH Increaser?

pH is what keeps your pool feeling comfortable. If the pH is too low, skin and eye irritation can occur and is typically the first indicator that your pH needs adjusted. Your skin may feel "prickley" or itch after swimming. pH Increaser helps raise the pH in pool water to within normal range to guard against skin and eye irritation.  PH imbalances can also cause corrosion to pool equipment. Always test your water when adjusting pH.  If you are not sure, have your water professionally tested at Pools n More.

What is pH Decreaser?

pH Decreaser lowers the pH to prevent scaling, cloudy water and reduced effectiveness of chlorine. Always test your water when adjusting pH.

What is Total Alkalinity?

This raises Total Alkalinity to control pH instability, staining of surfaces and corrosion of pool equipment.

What is acid rain?

The term "acid rain" refers to any precipitation that has a pH of 5.5 or lower. This includes rain, sleet, snow, or fog. It is estimated that acid rain formation is caused by man-made factors, such as pollution. There are also natural causes, such as forest fires and lightening. These emissions form sulfuric acid and nitric acid.

What effect does acid rain have on my pool?

Natural rain has a pH of 6.0. Acid rain has a pH of 5.5 or lower. When rain or other precipitation become acidic, the total alkalinity of your pool decreases. Regular testing and adjusting of total alkalinity and pH will help protect against acid rain. Bring us a sample of your pool water today, if you are concerned about acids in your pool.

What is Chlorine?

Chlorine is a very aggressive and efficient disinfectant and sanitizer. It kills bacteria. It is very important for swimmers safety and health. Over 90% of all pools use some form of chlorine as a sanitizer. Bacteria and algae enter the pool every day from external and natural sources, such as swimmers, insects and unbalanced water that allows natural growth. It is critically important that these elements are prevented with sanitizers and algacides. When we test for chlorine , we refer to it as free available chlorine, meaning that it is free and available to kill bacteria.

What is ppm?

You may see this on a computerized water test result or on a test kit. This is an abbreviation for " parts per million". It is a unit of measurement for elements found in water. One ppm is equivalent to 1 milligram of something per liter of water.

Why do I have to care about pool water testing?

Water can become unsafe or unhealthy for humans to swim in. There are three elements for safe swimming, sanitization, circulation and filtration. If there are problems in anyone of these areas, water can become dangerous without being noticeable to the human eye. When these areas are maintained within specific ranges, your pool water is probably not going to experience problems. By testing your pool water on regular basis, it will help you understand the regular cycles your pool water goes through and the elements that effect water balance, such as bather load, weather conditions and chemical applications . We recommend you have your pool water professionally tested at Pools n More a minimum of twice yearly. This is a computerized test that gives precise ppm measurements of the content of your pool water. It also give precise dosing information to return your pool water to perfect balance, making it easier for you to monitor and maintain the balance at home. Pools that are maintained in proper balance will be protected from uncontrolled bacteria growth, be comfortable to the eyes and skin of swimmers and be less aggressive to pool surfaces and equipment. It will also be clear, sparkling and beautiful. Getting out of balance upon occasion is normal, but we want to make sure you have all you need to enjoy your pool with ease and comfort. If you don't feel comfortable testing your own water, we here. All we need is 8 oz of water. Come as often as you like.

What is chlorine stabilizer?

Chlorine stabilizer (cyanuric acid) is an organic compound that protects chlorine from the sun. It is sometimes called a "conditioner." Having pool water that is stabilized gives you a definite advantage over unstabilized pool water. Every 35 minutes a pool is exposed to the sun, the water will lose half of the killing power of the chlorine. Chlorine Stabilizer helps prevent this.

When do I add chlorine stabilizer?

Pool owners using unstabilized chlorine products to sanitize their pool can extend the life expectancy and efficiency of their free available chlorine residual by adding Chlorine Stabilizer to outdoor pools. Indoor pools are not usually exposed to the sun and do not require the use of stabilizer. Chlorine Stabilizer should be added and maintained at 40 ppm. When Cyanuric Acid levels drop below 30 ppm, stabilizer should be added. Pools n More carries chlorine tablets that already contain stabilizer and will constantly have a replenishing source of stabilizer being fed to your pool, eliminating the need for additional stabilizer. This allows a more economical way to maintain your pool.

How do I add chlorine stabilizer to my pool?

We recommend having your water professionally tested at Pools n More. The goal is 40 ppm stabilizer. Dosing recommendations can be found of the product. Generally, add 1 pound of Chlorine Stabilizer for every 3,000 gallons of pool water. Slowly add the appropriate amount of Chlorine Stabilizer granules through the skimmer with the pump running. Allow the pump and filter to run at least 24 hours. DO NOT BACKWASH the filter for 48 hours after product application. Stabilizer dissolves very slowly (which is why the skimmer application method is preferred) and if the filter is backwashed too soon after application, the Chlorine Stabilizer will be washed out of the filter before it has a chance to dissolve.

How much is too much stabilizer?

Available chlorine residual kills microorganisms with stabilizer (CYA) levels up to 500 ppm. Minimum CYA level is 30 - 40 ppm, acceptable is 30 - 200 ppm for residential pools.

How do I lower Cyanuric acid (stabilizer) in my pool?

The only way to lower Cyanuric acid levels is to partially drain your pool, then refill it with fresh water. Please contact Pools n More before attempting to drain any pool. Never completely empty your pool without consulting a pool professional. If this procedure is not done properly, you could damage your pool.

How do I winterize my pool?

Once you have your pool balanced, add the correct dosage of winter shock and winter algaecide, which is available in a "Closing Kit" that you can purchase from our on-line store. This kit treats up to 20,000 gallons. Complete instructions, winter covers, air pillows, water tubes, skimmer plugs and more are all available in house and on line. Never hang milk jugs off the side of your pool.  


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